Free Financial Guidance

get help now 250pxPeople struggling with their finances often ask me for personalized coaching to help solve their money issues. While I don’t do one-on-one coaching anymore (I stopped doing that about 3 years ago to focus on group seminars where I can reach larger numbers of people), I can offer some free financial guidance in other ways.

First, I have partnered with the National Foundation for Debt Management (NFDM), a reputable non-profit credit counseling agency which negotiates with creditors, gets your interest rates lowered, and creates a plan to quickly get you out of debt. Since I am a spokesperson for NFDM, they’ve agreed to provide a free on-one-one counseling session to my readers and fans. With NFDM, there is no obligation to buy anything, and there will be no pressure on you to do anything.  All you have to do is share your situation openly and honestly, and in return, I promise that you will get honest and real-world advice on how to handle your situation.  To arrange for your free counseling session, click on this link to sign up for your free consultation.

Additionally, I post articles and financial advice to social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as on my own website, blog, and in my newsletter at There you will find my tips on a host of topics ranging from budgeting, credit and debt, to student loans, taxes, insurance, investing and real estate. Lastly, you can get free information from my books, including Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom, just by checking those books out from your local library.

3 responses to “Free Financial Guidance

  1. hi,
    I have student loans that i can’t afford to pay off right now and im in the military how can i get help with paying these loans off so they will not in up on my credit and a negative?

  2. Pingback: Why You Should Answer a Summons on Debt Collection « The Money Coach’s Blog

  3. Pingback: Why You Should Answer a Summons on Debt Collection

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