Tag Archives: harassing

You Can Stop Debt Collector Harassment

Past due billMany people are well behind in paying their bills, but that doesn’t give debt collectors permission to harass you at work, late at night, after you’ve asked them to stop, or under other conditions.

What Debt Collectors Cannot Do

  • Cannot contact you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. your local time unless you give them permission or they have a court order to do so.
  • Cannot call you at your job if you tell them your employer prohibits such calls.
  • Cannot contact you if you tell them you have a lawyer representing you.

These, and other protections are spelled out in the Fair Debt Collections Protection Act (downloadable PDF file). I will highlight more of your rights over the course of this month.

Send a Cease & Desist Letter
Too many billsTo stop a debt collector from contacting you, write them a Cease and Desist letter telling them to stop all contact with you.

The first sentence of your letter should say: “I am unable to pay this bill because….” or “I refuse to pay this debt because….” and explain your reason. You also have the option of not giving a reason at all.

The second sentence should state: “I hearby assert my right under Section 805-C of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to request that you cease any further communication with me.”

After the debt collectors receive your “Cease & Desist” letter they cannot contact you except to indicate that the collection process against you has stopped or that legal action against you is moving forward.

For a sample Cease & Desist letter, see my book Zero Debt.

Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom